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The Definition of Ready (DoR) and Definition of Done (DoD)

In Scrum, understanding the Definition of Ready (DoR) and Definition of Done (DoD) is critical as it ensures the work being done by the team is well-scoped, efficient, and of quality. These definitions help create a shared understanding among the team members about when the work can begin and when it is considered complete.

📌 Definition of Ready
It's a kind of entry criteria agreed upon by the Product Owner and Development Team to begin the development of a Product Backlog item.

An entry criteria may include below -
✔ Acceptance criteria are written and the Development Team has the essential clarity about it
All the doubts of the Development Team are addressed by the Product Owner
Technical challenges and/or dependencies are identified, discussed and solutions are in place
Product Backlog item is estimated and split small enough to fit into a Sprint

📌 Definition of Done
It's a kind of exit criteria agreed upon by the Product Owner and Development Team to consider a Product Backlog Item is done and ready to be shipped. It enables transparency by providing a shared understanding of what work was completed as part of the Increment.

An exit criteria may include below -
Feature Developed
Test Suite Prepared
Testing Completed
Bugs reported, fixed, and retested
Critical checks automated
Increment accepted by Product Owner

In Summary, DoR and DoD play vital roles in maintaining transparency and efficiency within the Scrum Team by reducing uncertainty, improving Sprint Planning, and enhancing predictability.

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