QA–QC Arena – Software Testing Home for beginners and experts

My Year In Review – 2023


Likewise every year, I had a few resolutions set for myself for Year 2023. No surprises, likewise every year; I started seriously with a couple of them and stopped in between, and the rest I haven't started at all. 😂

Well; every New Year brings some positivity in life and the Year 2023 wasn't an exception. This Year I have completed 16 Years in 'Software Testing'. Yes, it’s been 16 years now that I have been testing Software. Looking forward to a couple of more decades of being Technologists.🤞

After publishing a few Crossword puzzles in the past on my blog QA-QC Arena and the amazing response it has received, I thought of creating a Book on Software Testing Crosswords. This Year I have accomplished this goal and published a book on Software Testing Crossword puzzles. If you haven't checked it yet; I will recommend you to try it out.

Besides the Book, this year I have also published a couple of Blogs (Blog posts, Quizzes, Memes) on my Blog and/or associated Social handles.

In addition; I conducted a few mentoring sessions with Software Testing professionals. It was a really good experience and I reckon mentoring is something that paves the way to explore and enhance your own learning approaches. Feel free to connect with me if you want to have a 1:1 call with me.

Finally, after a long time attended an in-person Conference. ATAGTR2023 (Global Testing Retreat 2023) by Agile Testing Alliance was an amazing experience. Please check out my experience here.

Well, these are the main highlights of the professional front from the Year 2023. Looking forward to the New Year 2024. 😇

Love what you Do/Do what you Love. 😃

All the best. 👍