QA–QC Arena – Software Testing Home for beginners and experts

A Book – Software Testing Crossword Puzzles


After publishing a few Software Testing Crossword puzzles on my blog QA-QC Arena and the amazing response it has received, one fine day; I thought of creating a Book on Software Testing Crosswords. Honestly; this idea and/or thought took quite long to become a reality. But, finally; here it is.

One question would definitely come to your mind, whom this Book is for?

Well, no worries, here is the answer.

If you are an experienced Software Testing Professional...


If you have just started your career in Software Testing...


If you are someone who is curious about Software Testing and learning about it...


If you are preparing for a Software Testing Interview...


If you are interviewing candidates for a Software Testing position...


If you are someone who just wants to validate your Software Testing knowledge...

then this Book is for you. 😃

If sounds interesting, you can purchase the book here.

I reckon, while solving these Crosswords;

- You may come across the Term that you haven't heard/read before

- You may come across the Term that you seldom use/talk about

- You may explore and learn something new

- You will witness the joy of finding the answers along with the learning

Keep learning, Keep sharing.