QA–QC Arena – Software Testing Home for beginners and experts

Test This - Series 4


Do you know Mnemonics?

Do you use them in the day-to-day life?

Which Software Testing Mnemonics you know or using frequently?

Would you like to share the Story about how Mnemonics has played a role in improving your Memory and/or Learning aid?

Have you ever tried creating your own set of Mnemonics?

How about creating and simultaneously testing a Mnemonics Generator? 😀

Sounds interesting, isn’t it? Then let’s get started…

Mnemonics Generator is your product/application under test.

Pen down all your test ideas.
- Prepare a Test Plan (if required).
- Use Tools to assist your Testing activities.
- Automate checks (if required).
- Find Bugs & pen down the Testing Story (testing efforts).
- Pen down the Product Story (learnings about the Product).
- Prepare a Test Report.

If you are interested, do share your final Test Report at

Keep learning, Keep sharing and yes, stay safe.